Juli 2024 | GPSAR
Minetype and close photograph of the m² containing it.

Detection diagram from 4m x 4m evaluated with orthophoto as background.

Intensity diagram for 0.15m depth.
Object and photograph of the m² containing it.

Object and photograph of the m² containing it.

Intensity diagram for 0.2m depth.
We have carried out development and validation tests of our UAV-based ground penetrating synthetic aperture radar (GPSAR) at the CRTO test-field in Benkovac end of Mai 2024. We detected successfully real disarmed mines in natural terrain. Metal and plastic AVMs, many types of UXOs and metal APMs could be detected very reliably. Plastic minimum metal APMs (PMA-2/3) could be detected at some places with quiet background.
With our new fast processing and GUI-operated detection SW, we obtain the detection results of small areas a few minutes after the test flights. This direct feedback allows system optimization and adjustment on-site.

FindMine gGmbH
Josef-Henle-Straße 3
89257 Illertissen
Tel: +49 7303 163990
Contact for questions and ideas on findmine
R&D activities, results, technological cooperation.

Urs Endress Foundation
Rebgasse 46
4144 Arlesheim,
Contact for general questions on mine action,
and if you are interested to support.